“ 广达”一个历经风雨洗礼的文具公司,凭着对文具行业的热爱与执着, 仅仅两年一跃成为山东文具中游。如今,公司所经营的办公用品:钢笔、金笔; 卡西欧、威诺思计算器;益而高、齐心、得力文具类;指纹式、 ID 感应式考勤 机、售饭机、碎纸机、装订机、过塑机、点钞机、验钞机;文件柜、更衣柜、鞋柜 保险柜;黑板、白板、绿板;各国台旗、*;**台卡、工作证卡;圆珠笔、 中性笔、记号笔、白板笔、银笔、油漆笔、荧光笔、铅笔;体育用品、体育器材; 劳保用品;防静电用品:防静电手套、指套;胶粘制品:封箱胶带、文具胶带、 双面胶、海绵胶等~~二千余种产品/以稳定的质量及合理的价格已征服了广大消费者的心,深得市场认可!!
Guangda Stationery Products Co., Ltd is a professional stationery shopping chain providing the clients design, sell and service. With years of development and innovation, Guangda has become one of the most famous stationery dealers in Shandong province. Today, its products have successfully marketed to many countries and regions in the Southeast Asia and earned high reputation.
Guangda Stationery Products Co., Ltd, which is a stationery company going though with the baptism of the wind and rain, has been running as a top firm in the stationery line by the real attention and perseverance to the stationery within only two years. And now, the company have got the deeply confirmation from the market, and attracted the consumers by the stable quality and reasonable price.
企业经济性质: 私营企业
法人代表或负责人: 吕明明
企业类型: 经销批发
公司注册地: 山东胶南
注册资金: 人民币 100 - 250 万元
成立时间: 1994
员工人数: 51 - 100 人
月产量: 1000000
年营业额: 人民币 5000万 - 1亿元
年出口额: 人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
是否提供OEM代加工: 否
开户银行: 建设银行
主营产品或服务: 纺织印染用签标笔,防染笔,耐漂染笔,黄油笔,牙膏笔,标签笔济南签标笔,青岛签标笔,淄博签标笔,泰安签标笔,济宁签标笔,德州签标笔,日照签标笔,潍坊签标笔,枣庄签标笔,临沂签标笔,莱芜签标笔,滨州签标笔,聊城签标笔,菏泽签标笔,烟台签标笔,威海签标笔,东营签标笔